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December 28, 2024 at 9:00 AM
by Redgeee !123
Ten key accounting calculator on yellow desk.

I be at the point of not knowing what to do in moving forward with this foundation and cancelling it, is and was truly not off the table. Yesterday this was one of the cases because I am not making one dime from this and I have to pay for this website to be up every month and all the additives that is needed in promoting or getting the word out there so others can know that there is someone that cares and wants to be a support. Nothing is given to me free or no one has stepped up and said," Reggie let me help you out in general or financially," and sadly, not even my own 1 biological brother. So yes, discouragemnet, lonliness, hopelessness, powerlessness, sadness, hurt, rejection, overwhwelmed, fears, worthiness and depression have been there for me for sure. Some days intense than others but still feel the effects though. I work at other companies making them richer inorder to pay my own bills and behind on my car note to be frank, as we speak. The extra money that I had coming in, I chose to continue to reinvest in this foundation I started at the expense of my very own bills. I was homeless, car can be reposed at any moment while being behind 2 months of payment and basically broke. Why would I continue to put my hard earned money into something that is not giving me any finacial yield to at least keep it going and leaves me financially behind month after month? I became homeless and can easily go back if I continue to pour money into an investment that is not helping me out financially. I give out my own pocket to help others along the way because I can relate with their situations, why, why, why? I can relate and care and I know I sound crazy in continuing to chase my own tail but somehow my faith is diminishing day after to day to the point I may need to come to the acceptance that I bit off too much than I can chew and to go and work for these other companies to make them richer as I relinquish my dream or passion so I can stay grounded in reality. I am still here and have not pulled the plug yet even though it still looms over me daily.

December 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM
by Mr. Redgeee
Informationswürfel des Infopavillons Regensdorf | information sign as a huge cube

Do you think that you are on top? Do you think that you are at a peak? If you are at rock bottom or a bottom, then I am here to tell you that you can get up, dust yourself off and keep it moving. When we fall down due to whatever we may be faced with, we always have the choice to not stay there. The key is belief in. Belief in what, you may say. That is your choice to reach out for that which you believe is going to help pull you up. Some believe in family, friends, themselves or some type of physical support. However, I believe in the Great, "I AM!"

The Creator of everything and all things even your family, friends, etc. So to me, I would rather cling to and reach out for the very one who is a sure winner through my Lord and Savior Jesus christ. It is so sad to say, that in this world with family, friends, etc. they are limited in their ability to help, and for that matter they don't want to help anyway if it does not serve their purpose or of the expectations they hold on you that you don't fulfill. To make a long story short, I said to myself, "Reggie, what do you have to loose?" Friends come and go, family are fairweather family members, and supports come and go. The Great,"I AM" and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and will be tomorrow so with them, "THEN I RISE!"

December 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM
by Mr. Reggie
A pebble painted blue, with the word hope written on it in black.

Do you have purpose? Why do you believe you have a purpose? I didn't believe I had a purpose or had meaning. I was just going through life just to be going through it. I was in multiple relationships, lying to people, stealing, manipulating others, being abusive, and other things that I had spiraled into. I thought that I did not matter and what I had to say meant nothing besides, who cares??? I was all over the place to say the least. It took the act of God the great,"I AM!"

To help me see myself differently, now here I am world. My purpose is to reach back and to pay it forward. Reach back and pay it forward as to what you may ask or be wondering. Reaching back to let others know that I understand the struggles of change and I want to use myself as an example or a living testimony so you can see a different way of choosing to live. Paying it forward as to helping others not fall into the pitfalls of guilt

/shame as I had fallen into and to have a source of empowerment from within themselves by the grace of, "I AM." I want to make atonement to others for the wrong I have caused them and to be the difference in advocating for them. No one else can do that like I can becuse we are all created to perform a specific task and it is assigned to us individually, so if I don't do it, then who will?? I have took, took, and taken form others and now I want to give, give, and give to others what I believe was taken from me. What is that? HOPE!

December 3, 2024 at 11:30 AM
by Mr. Reggie

Speaking out is what I do now. Believe it or not, I use to be a shy person and it was based in my insecurities and fear. I did not like to be vocal at all and I would run from a crowd. Today, I run into a crowd, stand on top of a roof top and let my voice ring out to the world. I started P.A.V.E.S.O.

People Abused Voices Everywhere Speaking Out

because I can relate with others who have and is experiencing some form of abuse and I want to be the difference.

I am vocal and passionate about being an advocator for those who have experienced various abuses, empowerment, supporting and my personal experiences. I am like this, "I have something to share and no one can share my story like I can because it happened to me." If I don't share it, who will? I am on Tiktok and Facebook and I do live video feeds. What do I talk about? I talk about supporting those who have and are being abused, empowerment messages, my book, my personal life, and me being silly creatively. So when I can, I speak and to whoever Gods sends me too.

November 30, 2024 at 1:00 PM
by Redgeee Shhh

I had the privilege to have my first book published in January 2024 titled;


Hold up, I know you are wondering how did I come up with the name Redgeee Shhh and let alone use it as opposed to utilizing my birth name. I am a very creative person and I am always trying to find ways to showcase my creative talents, of course I use to utilize my creative talents in unhealthy practices like lying, how to be slicker, and or using someone to get my way as a few examples. Today, I choose to utilize my creativity to healthy practices and my book arthur name, which is on my license plates by the way, LOL. Anyway, put Red----geee together in pronunciation and what do you get? Ah yes, Reggie! Now my last name is Shanklin but pronounce the SH before adding the anklin and what comes out? Ah yes, Shhh! Like you are telling someone else to be qiuet. Now you see how I chose to incorporate Redgeee Shhh as my creative book Arthur name. No different from a movie actor or actress, they use a different name in character for a specific role in a movie etc. as opposed to their real name. Enough of that, now let me share how I came about putting these words within my book on the market. These are not just any words, they are divenly inspired words that I have generated from within at different points in my life. I love to chat to say the least, but these words are unique because I can't just utter words like this in my natural self, meaning to just sit down and just write the words out with no spiritual connection to them. Let me give you an example; can you say, "I love you," to someone and not mean a word of it? It is possible and if we want to be honest with ourselves, we have all said these words to someone with emptiness for whatever reason. However, my point is is that the difference in the words that are enclosed along the pages of my book are not empty and infact, if it was no spiritual connection in my words then there would be no book today by me titled, "Inspirational Quotes."

These are words of wisdom that has helped me along in my journey and still do from time to time when I have reached low points in my life and wanting to give up to short burst of inspiation to spur me into action in a selfless since from a selfish one. I wanted to share it with others and in hopes it would inspire you onward too in your personal journey, especially since a journey we travel is continual until death. I also, in my selflessness vow to give 50% of each book being sold to help those who have and is experiencing some form of abuse. I started P.A.V.E.S.O.







Why? Because this movement does not compartmentalize any abuse or minimizes how any abuse have impacted you, so it is my mission to help all those without discrimination financially no matter where you are. With me, Abuse is just that, Abuse!

November 27, 2024 at 10:00 AM
by Mr. Reggie
Praying hands through a fiberglass window.

Heavenly Father, "I AM"

I come to you right now in this moment on my knees with a heart full of tears and I just don't know where to go or to turn. I started this foundation because I not only want to help others but I want to give back to those whom I have taken so much from directly and indirectly but it seems like everywhere I turn doors are closed for me and I feel so powerless and alone to say the least. I feel like that I am spinning my wheels with this foundation. I want to give up and say. " I am done" because nothing is opening up for me. It seems like you are not here and I am fighting this battle to be the difference with no help in sight. I put in all my hard earned money just to open up the doors so I can reach out to pull others up and yet I am getting broker by the day because as I steady toll working for various companies just to pay my own bills I be so tired and exhausted that I can't 100% devote myself to my own b usiness as to investing in others as I wished I had someone do for me. It does not seem like this is your plan for my life and it hurts to know that I am the only one with this vision of showing others that they are not alone and that I care. Most importantly, I want to make amends with all those whom I have caused so much pain by being an advocator on the behalf of those who were and are being abused, but it seems like my efforts are in vain. I am so confused and lost that I don't know if I can continue to go on fighting for a worthless cause it seems. "I AM", if you at all hear me, you know my heart and you know that my mission is true and if I don't have you and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at the helm, then I am forever doomed in my mission to help every soul out there across your great plains. I am begging you to turn this around for me and for your children who are crying for you. Show yourself on my behalf, a worthless sinner and let the world know that there is no one else above or benneath you and let others see that I stand not alone anymore. Help me turn this around and open up doors for me that man can"t close so that you can recieve all of the glory today in Jesus name I pray.

November 22, 2024 at 12:00 PM
by Mr. Redgeee

Do you allow others to knock you off of your square? Has someone done harm to you and you vowed to never let anyone else treat you that way? Are you easily dscouraged when someone doesn't fit in your set of expectations? I can forever go on about this topic because it sets the tone on how we choose to define ourselves. What if I told you that we can choose to stand up for who we are and represent or we can choose to become what another wants us to be while getting tossed to and fro. Acceptance can surely be at large for all of us and you can best be assured that fear is at the helm. It is not easy to stand when you find out that you are the only one standing. I started this foundation with you in mind, but you didn't have me in mind. Since I am and was no where in your thoughts, should I say, "forget you?" I use to be the type person that I did not want to be a leader at all. Why, Mr. Redgeee? To me it entailed too much responsibilty in the context that if you treated me like crap, I have to turn and about face and still treat you with respect knowing you just hurt me consciously or unconsciously. You might be saying that that does not entail leadership because that is how we suppose to treat others anyway. The difference is, is it is leading by example, so when no one else wants to support, stand, accept, or forgive you, you must still do it for them and people love to watch our individual behaviors. Let me cut through the chase today and simply put it this way, "SHUT UP OR PUT UP!" If I am who I say I am, then I will not have to say a word because my actions wil speak louder than any word

November 20, 2024 at 11:00 AM
by Mr.Reggie

Do you believe or know that you are where you want to be? Some can answer that question without blinking an eye and say yes. I know for me, I am keeping my hand down because I am no where close to where I want to be. Do you have goals? I know I do and striving to reach those goals is a day to day processs and somethings are strived for without even thinking consciously about it. Sometimes I dream too big and I tend to get ahead of myself. Still, we are on a journey going and coming in the order God intended. I want to help you get there, even if it is from one moment to the next. It is one thing to know where you want to go but it is very diferent when we need to actually get there. I for one will get there only if by the grace of

"I AM"

Let us pause and reflect on, if we believe we are where we want to be.

In addition to, let us ponder if we can raise our hands and say, "I am where I need to be."

Now, you can see that I switched the word around on you from want to need.

How many can raise their hands up high now?I know I can because despite what I can see in the physical, it is part of a plan that God has purposed. You don't always have to agree with what is going on around or in you, but you must accept this moment for what it is. That includes situations, circumstances, and and events that are happening in your llife right now. If you allow me the opportunity, I can help you raise your hand up boldly too, and say, "This is where I need to be!"

November 15, 2024 at 10:30 AM
by Mr. Reggie
<strong>WHO SAID!</strong>

Have you ever been told something by somebody and you believed it? It could of been a relative, friend, or anybody directly/indirectly that said something to you.

Let us give some examples; "You are no good," "That will not work," "I don't love you anymore, "That will not happen." I can say at least a million things that other people has told me indirectly or directly. Guess what? I fell for it too, and I believed them. Just because someone may tell you something regardless who it is from, does not mean that it is true. We then start allowing others to influence our way of thinking by accepting what they are telling us as the truth and, therefore we act on it. That is another reason why I started the


because you are greater than what you have and are being told, and what you can imagine. I don't build dreams, that is your department. However, what I do build is you through empowerment so you can be or live your dreams without judgment and outside hinderances. So the next time someone tells you something, You look at them in the eyes and say,


That is profound in itself because for with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke ch. 1 verse 3

People will talk no matter who they are but it is up to you to believe it!

November 11, 2024 at 9:30 PM
by Mr. Reggie S

Why is a question a lot of us ask, if not all of us when things don't go according to our wishes and hopes. There are many statements behind the why's that we utter when trying to make sense of what doesn't make sense to us.

"Why God did you let this happen?"

"Why am I not loved?"

"Why am I not succeeding?"

"Why is this happening to me?"

So many other why's we utter to ourselves, others, and yes, even to God.

I can't count how many times I have personally said why to myself, others, and God. One of my biggest one is, "Why me!"

This is a topic that can go all over the place in discussion however, I just want to stay focused on the yearning for us at times to utter the words,"WHY!" After the smoke clears the air of the cloud of why's, it becomes a point whereas we must do something about it. What if I told you that there was a solution to every problem, would you believe me? We can figure out the why's together if you allow me that opportunity so give me a call and let us give it a try. Keep in mind though, that we may never find the answer, but we can always find a solution.

November 9, 2024 at 6:30 PM
by Mr. Redgeee

Is there anything wrong with crying?

Do you cry when things get rough and hetic?

Do you cry in celebration from an achievement?

Whatever your situation may be, do you cry?

Do you cry from some sort of pain or an injury?

Well I do, even if you don't. However, I do believe it is safe to say that you cry too. No matter who you are, how old you are, and where you are from, as a human, we cry. We cried coming into this world, living in this world, and probably will as we are leaving this world. In celebration to go to the afterlife or from many heartfelt resentments on what we wish we could of done differently.Tears will surely come naturally no matter how tough you think you appear to yourself or others. The one thing I love about the "Truth," is is it stays the same for everyone and it is universal. Universal means that it applies to all so regardless of what you profess and who you profess your faith to, there is one undeniable truth that applies to all of us. I grew up with some faulty beliefs that I carried as if they were the truth. "Men don't cry." "If you cry, that is a sign of weakness." "Crying is for girls." There are other faulty beliefs that I chose to run with and I allowed to dictate my life and overall well being as a person. I am sure you have had your share of some as well but like I said, they are faulty. I am crying now because it seems no matter where I turn, doors are closed for me to take off in this foundation I started, but yet I muster the courage to keep moving forward. It is ok to cry and crying to me, is a form of healing. So go ahead and cry whoever you are out there and know that I am crying too. If you need someone to cry with you, I am here and my doors are always open to be that shoulder for you to cry on at


you not only have a home, but you also have a family that will cry when you cry too, so let us cry together and know that you are not alone anymore.

November 7, 2024 at 3:30 PM
by Mr. Redgeee

Sometimes things can be very impossibe to handle or endure. Sometimes feelings can be so overwhelming that it seems like it is impossible to overcome. Sometimes life circumstances can be imposible to deal with. Sometimes our personal struggles can be impossible to find solutions. Sometimes people rather relatives or not, can be impossible to live with or be around. Sometimes it is impossible to go from one day to the next.

What do you do when you think or feel like it is impossible?

There can be a number of things that you or I do when we are at that point in our lives or feel like we are at that point. However, I want you to know and understand that there are solutions to anything that you may be going through. Great news as well! You can always give me a call and I will reach out to connect with you because a journey is not meant to be traveled alone.

November 3, 2024 at 4:30 AM
by Mr. Reggie

Do you have what it takes to make it until the end? Endurance is a very strong word and it takes action in order for it to be activated. As a human being, we are plagued with or will be, with a variety of situations that is going to try and test us. We can start setting the sails on whatever we choose to do in life and I mean whatever that might be, good or bad in judgment, how ever you or someone else deems it, it still will be an undertaking task. I had a vision to start this foundation with the sole purpose in mind to help as many as I can in life know that they are worthy of love and that they are impotant enough to be believed in. Did I complete my task yet? Am I where I would love to be? Do a lot of people know that I exist to be able to reach out at this foundation and know that they will be helped? Have I overcomed the basic set backs in order to make this company a name?

The answer is No, No, No, and No!

I am not choosing to give up even when I feel like I am not making any progress, however I want to at times because it can be very disappointing to know that I am rejected by some people, businesses, organizations, and companies whom I have directly reached out to for help and or to help them out as I give them an open opportunity to see what I am really about and what this company is standing for. I just get up another day by the Grace of God while working for some other company doing things that I really don't want to do inorder to just pay my everyday bills while they still get richer. ( Belleville Boot company, Continental Tire Company, Culver's, Pacific that manufacture Toyota car parts, and others I have worked for or at.)

My passion is not to help them become richer, it is to help you become rich within yourselves and to know that I believe in you. I believe even when those companies don't and I will continue to stand up to let my voice ring loud and clear to say, Hey, I believe in you and not a brand bcause I believe in God, Jesus, and myself. so at some point I will be there for you even if it takes me until the end of my life.

October 30, 2024 at 12:30 PM
by Mr.Redgeee Shhh!

How many out there knows what lonliness is?

Do you know what lonliness personally feels like?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I sure know what lonliness feels like. I have had family around me but felt so alienated from them while we were in the same room. I have one biological brother and we are so far apart as family as far apart can get, and that is currently. I have a niece and nephews that are adults and never met them. I have other family members that my dad fathered secretly whom I know them not. My personal list goes on and on. I will not get into as to why my family is so far apart as apart can get because that is another subject for another day and I can't speak as to their reasons but only can infer from my limited perspective. On to the matter at hand for the subject today. No girlfriend/boyfriend, no intimate close connections with others, no social circle, no family even though you are in a family, no one to root you onward, and no many other connections with people??????

I can relate!

Some may argue that they don't want to be bothered with people anyway and isolate to remote parts of the globe to validate their decisions, and some even isolate right there in plain sight. However, whatever the rational is for them or even yourself, the truth is is that God created us for eachother, so the bottom line is, we still have to rely on other humans for something rather we are biologically connected or not. What do you do when that person is not there to fill the void of emptiness? I tell you what I do, I cry for starters. Also, to admit that my lonliness has gotten me into a world of trouble in my life at various points of my living, to say sadly. I could forever go on about this subject but to save time than to go on with more chatter because I can be long winded at times, LOL. One of the several reasons why I started this foundation was to help those out there who is struggling with lonliness just like I did or do still at times to know that they are not or no longer alone. I don't care who you are or where you are, I can relate. The very reason why I stress the importance of you and I being family is because when you feel like you don't belong anywhere else, even in your very own family, guess what? You have one now, and I pray to have so many brothers, sisters, mothers, dads, uncles, and etc., before God takes my breath away. What has comforted me through my low times of lonliness is when Gods words says, " I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU." When your mom leaves, "I WILL BE THERE". When your dad leaves, brother, uncle, nephew, friend, wife, and etc., leaves, "I WILL BE THERE". Wow, such refreshing news to know that I have a Great God who understands too. His name is, "I AM!"

October 28, 2024 at 8:30 AM
by MR. Redgeee
bring back real bokeh

Can things be turned around or are we destined for a one way path once we have made a choice? Let me be the first to admit that if it was only a one way path to a choice or any set of choices I have made in my life, then I would not be able to sit here and be the difference now. Life would be simply, so painstaking because of the guilt and shame burdens I would carry every day of my life. Depression would be sure to overshadow me wherever I would go and do. Imagine a life for yourself based upon a single choice or choices that can never be overcomed and you could never have a chance to redo. I am so happy and delighted that not only can I be forgiven by the Great, "I AM," but also my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and have another moment to make amends. Great News! I have chosen to, "TURN IT AROUND," and you surely can too because the goal is to learn from and to give back our personal testimonies for inspiration and guidance to those who may fall like we did. So my friends and followers, let us not only pick someone up but also, turn it around because it is never too late to change. Don't you agree?

P.A.V.E.S.O. People Abused Voices Everywhere Speaking Out!

October 25, 2024 at 8:00 AM
by Mr. Reggie
<strong>AS I AM !</strong>

Do you feel accepted by your family or friends? Do you feel like you fit in to the world of over estimated 8.2 billion? Do you know you belong? Do you know who you are? Do you accept you?

These are a few questions for you to ponder upon because the million dollar question is this, what don't you like about you?????

You may be wondering why I asked that or what do I mean by that. We love to change our appearance with make up, tattoos, face lifts, body implants, etc. We love to tell others what we think they want to hear, give misinformation, talk about others to divert the focus off of ourselves and the list can go on as to the reasons why we fear being who we really are. I am not saying I judge you or that that is good or bad, my mssage is clearly to point out, are we really as we are when it is stated, " AS I AM." I will let you be the judge and jury on that. If you think about it, those 3 words are so powerful that we allow it to transform us into whatever we want to become and thus, influence others to believe we are that. To embrace" AS I AM," we must come to the acceptance of some realizations that are called, truths and then we need to let go. Let go of what Mr. Reggie? The very thing that we think or come to belive is worth the ardous effort to hide and keep on hiding. It is a jouney and believe me, it will not be easy but it is achievable.


October 23, 2024 at 8:30 AM
by Mr. Reggie
Standing on a sheer ledge 3,200 feet above Yosemite Valley, looking at this vista, one can’t help but be in awe. It reminds you of what’s really important.

Are you an overcomer or are you overcomed?

As we go through life we all will experience various situations that will leave us not only speechless, but also powerless. Who wants to feel or be perceieved powerless. However, we will be and we will feel that way as humans going through our experiences. That feeling does not have to define you or me. That feeling does not have to define the situation we may be facing. That feeling is only powerful if we give it power. It is stated that a feeling is not good or bad, it is just is. We choose to give it value with our personal judgments and thus determine if it is good or bad. Do you believe that? I do because the more we give something weight or value, it becomes just that. If you think that something is unbearable, then it will become unbearable. If you think you or powerless, you become powerless. If you think you are an overcomer, you will overcome. Do you see how that works with a few of my examples???? Now we start to attach feelings to our thoughts which magnifies the situation we are faced with.
Thoughts + Felings = behaviors

We think it, feel it and it is!

I believe in empowerment within the context of us and the Great,"I AM"

Remember these precious words of wisdom from Philippians ch. 4 v 13


October 20, 2024 at 2:00 PM
by Mr. Reggie
A frustrated team in the big open space office next to WTF wood cubes

Who defines failures?

What are failures?

Those are 2 great questions Mr. Reggie so let us give a brief discussion. Society defines failures. There is a set course of actions in this world that we live in that has defined what is and what is not a failure. Society is so fixed on winning in sports, gambling, in a variety of competitions, and etc. People define what is a failure and what is not. Family, friends or just people in general have a set of expectations and if you or I do not fit the mold then we can become classified into the category of failing or simply, a failure according to their standards. We can define ourselves as failures or having failed based upon our own set of expectations that we impose upon ourselves. Guess what, the self defining of failed or failure is probably traced right back to people as to their expectations of us. Here is the message, rather society, people, and or we ourselves define what failed or failures look like, do society, people, and ourselves still loves us no matter what? It is so easy to say, "Great job," when you succeed based upon the standard of how people define success. However, do they equally or greater in the moment, "Great job," when you have failed accrding to their standards? Do you hear people (mom, dad, brother, sister, frien, etc,) say, "Great job for failing or being a failure? I am here to tell you that we are not perfect and far from it so from my perspective what is defined a failure to me is a victory and in it is great accomplishment to be right where you are. I want to celebrate that or the moment with you and I welcome whole heartedly those who think and or feel like they are failures/failed because that is when you need to be celebrated the most. You have not failed and you are not a failure with me.

"I AM" creates only masterpieces and if we are created in His image, then God does not create failures!

Here is a quote from my first released book titled; Inspirational Quotes

October 17, 2024 at 6:30 AM
by Mr. Redgeee
Variety of yarns

Do your supports come with strings?

Are you hooked and lured into what they want you to be for their acceptance rather family or friends?

It can be real easy to slip into how others view of you should be and loose the sight on who you are while trying to please them. We all as humans want validation which is hinged to acceptance and there is nothing more refresher than to have people or someone you know rooting you onward. However, that sometimes come with great costs if they are saying that they have your best interest at heart when they actually don't. What is even more paralyzing is you knowing the truth about their motives but you choose to weigh out your convictions for this 10 letter word;


You give up who you are inorder to become who they say you are or want you to be. If there are strings attached, you probaably wnat to surround yourself with someone who only wants you to succeeed and is helping to cultivate the greatest you with no ulterior motives. We can go through life empty because we are trying to be our moms, dads, friends, actors, etc. If you can find the "YOU," embrace yourself because there is only one of YOU!

Strings can be cut because there is no greater reward than to get rid of all the dead weights in your life. Guess what? Dead weights weigh you down, so rise up and come up out of the web of strings into the,


October 14, 2024 at 5:00 AM
by Mr. Redgeee
You belong.

At some point in our lives we ultmately want to go somewhere and see the progress. I am not talking about traveling to another place, I am talking about where would you like to see your life rather now or in the tomorrow? If you think that you were put on this earth to do nothing and to achieve nothing, then I want to challenge that line of thinking because you were put here in this moment for a purpose. Do you know what that purpose is? To me, to live and not have purpose is like walking dead. Some people may not like what you do as for as your purpose in life due to all of these personal judgments from family or friends, still the truth remain , you were created to fulfill that purpose that only you can fulfill. Yes, it maybe estimated to be close to 8.2 billion people in the world, still there is only one you.







These are questions you need to challenge yourself with because to live and not fulfill is like not living at all. I would love to help you find that purpose and live your purpose here at the "I AM " FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC.

You do matter and you are important and I want to bring out who you are and empower you to grow in order to become. Once you become you will be saying, " Hello world, move over and make room for me because yes, I too belong!"

October 11, 2024 at 9:30 AM
by Mr. Redgeee
<strong>ALL IN!</strong>

Have you ever given yourself to something and at the end say, "I AM ALL IN!"

Imagine with me for a moment, you are in a card game and you place a bet that is your last. However, keep in mind that you are going up against other players for the pot prize so if you loose that hand, you are done or broke. Translate that card game to you life, relationship or relationships, marriage, and etc. you could be investing your time, money, heart, wellbeing, and so forth. By now, I hope you can get a grasp of my title,"ALL IN!"

Let me share with everyone something, I started this foundation because it is not only my way of giving back but also, to invest in you. Why would I invest in you? I will tell you why, because I wish I had had someone to invest in me as a child, teen, and yes, even as an adult. Seeing potential in someone and then help them to cultivate it is a rewarding experience. Unfortunately, I was around people( mom, dad, family, friends acquaintances, and even strangers ) investing in themselves but was using me to fulfill their agendas. This is all my own hard earned money that I have and am using to invest in you. Doing this webpage cost money, to keep up this webpage every month cost money, to advertise my services cost money, to have a phone system in place for you to call cost money, to have my book published cost money, money, money, and money. Money I worked for at warehouse jobs, restaurants, and a hotel putting up with others B.S. inoder to invest my money in you. You might say, " How is Mr, Reggie investing in me when I don't see it?" By the Grace of God, He allowed me this privilage to create a place where you can belong. It is called the, NON-JUDGMENT ZONE!

Either I am going to live out what I believe in or I will die believing in YOU.


October 8, 2024 at 11:00 AM
by Mr. Redgeee
<strong>YOU ARE NOT ALONE!</strong>

Did you know that it is estimated to be approx. 8.2 billion people in the world today. Is that hard to believe? Think about that for just a minute with me, nearly 8.2 billion peolple. I use to say, "Nobody understands me," and " I am all alone." Are those true belief statements? Trust me, I had many more other faulty belief statements swirling around in my head and sadly, I even convinced myself to believe them. The truth of the matter is, is there is someone out there who can relate to your or my experiences. Let me share some commonalities that not even you could argue with. Everyone cries, everyone bleeds, everyone dies, everyone eats food, everyone drinks water, everyone even feels. There is so many other commonalities that it does not matter where in this world you live, someone does the same thing you and I do. That is why I created a non judgement zone because all of the personal judgements about people, their customs, their religion, thier creativity, and on and on. I leave that outside of my door and once you enter, you are free to be the, "YOU!"

I want you to know that you are comfortable to grow and be the best "YOU," rather you are form USA or Europe, it does not matter and just know for the record, there is somebody out there who can relate to what you are going through. I have remote sessions whereas you can chat with someone else and know that the city you have confined yourself to is so small in comparison to nearly 8.2 billion people. Your are not alone so don't ever use that excuse again.


October 6, 2024 at 2:30 PM
by Mr. Reggie
<strong>A HEART!</strong>

Everyone has a heart and some say that we are defined by that however, I beg the differ.

(Jeremiah chap. 17v. 9)

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Think about that for a minute and notice what he said clearly, so are you wicked?


The heart is wicked and our thoughts give life through the heart to what we become so the heart is not, WHO we are.

So then the trillion dollar question is this , "WHO ARE YOU?"

I ask that because in our world we are judged for whatever reason; our past, who we associate with, our family, likes, dislikes, and the list goes on and people defines us based upon those factors, but those things does not define us either. I want you to be able to see yourself for who you truly are and not what someone has led you to believe about yourself regardless of who they are.


Quoted by, Reggie Shanklin

People Abused Voices Everywhere Speaking Out
October 4, 2024 at 9:00 AM
by Mr. Reggie

I am delighted to say that I am and have started not an event, but the beginning of a movement. What movement you might ask? A movement that is honoring all and I mean all those who have experienced some form of abuse, rather it was years ago or one minute ago, You matter and Your voice count. You can be alive or have went onward off this earth, this is a marking for the memory of every single person whom have experienced some form of abuse, even Jesus. We think that once the abuse stops, it is over and done with.

No, No, and NO!

The journey to heal has just begun, the affects of the abuse still lingers, and the scars internally or externally are still there. To share a brief point of my story of abuse that I had experienced as a child was my dad allowed one of his workers and I guess you can say he was his right hand man that did a lot of my dads dirty work. Anyway, my dad gave this guy the authority to beat me and I say beat because that is what it was however, back in time past it was minimized to be called a simple butt whipping for being bad. By the way, the guy who beat me, name was Greg. Greg made me take off all my clothes, tied my feet and hands with wire and started beating me with a clothes hanger. I at the age of 12 was tossing back and forth on the ground to avoid as much of the hits from the clothes hanger that I could and then Greg hit me in the face with the hanger and it cracked off some of my front tooth. To make a long story short, my tooth has been chipped off from that very abuse and everytime I look in the mirror guess what I see, that chipped tooth. Now, guess where it takes me? Right back to that 12 year old helpless and powerless little boy. So you see, once the physical abuse stops, the affects becomes a lifetime and that happened to me some years ago. I will put my picture up so you can see it for yourself. I personally had experienced other various abuses by relatives, strangers, and acquaintances as a child, teen, and adult. You may say, "how as an adult?" I have had jobs where the supervisor would yell threats and intimidations on the regular to try to yield productivity out of the co workers, including me. Was that abuse? Yes, it was! Bullying, talking down to someone, texting bad things about someone, and other forms still constitute abuse. That is what this movement is all about, to lift up every voice in the physical presence and in spirit whom have experienced abuse. Help me stand with our voices to help those out financially by donating to the cause, becoming a member of the "I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC., family of supporters, and or purchasing a copy of my book titled, Inspiration Quotes by, Redgeee Shhh (my creative arthur name) that I pledge to donate 50% of every book sold to P.A.V.E.S.O. You will become inspired because who do not need a burst of inspiration and you are helping out others by being the difference. So, stand up boldly and let your voice be to heard as we stand together side by side in this movement!

October 2, 2024 at 9:00 AM
by Mr. Redgeee
<strong>"I BELIEVE!"</strong>

As a Motivational Speaker, Life Coach , and Support, I stress to others emphatically to say these very two powerful words with conviction, " I BELIEVE!"

Afterwards I say, "NOW WEAR IT"

Why those two profound words in any sentence that you can structure? You become and or it serves as a justifier. Ok, I will not get too technical today so my main emphasis is that you realize that saying, "I BELIEVE" you give it the power to bring it into physical manifestation. Take a pause and reflect on that but I will give only a few examples to guide you in the right path because the list of I BELIEVES is endless. I believe nobody loves me, I believe I am unworthy, I believe I am powerful, I believe I am loveable, I believe I am a screw up, I believe in Loyalty, I believe in God, on and on with personal Belief statements. Believing in, comes from within us and outwardly we manifest it to the world and even to ouselves. We become what we believe and we act on what we choose to believe in. Well here is my passion statement, "I BELIEVE IN YOU!" I wish I had those words echoed to me as achild, teen, and or pivotal times in my life because it is so inspiring to hear someone say that, especially those that we are close too. I have learned that it is something I must conciously say to myself to keep on moving in my life journey, hence the foundation I chose to start. I started it not for me, I chose by the Grace of "I AM," to start it for "YOU"

I want to be able to tell you that I believe in you because I did not get that as a child, teen, and adult and if did, very little. So my life work is based upon what I lacked in my life from the daily posts, choice of webpages, how I choose to express things, and how I choose to do things because my lack is your gain and with that, I never lacked anything. Why? I can never give you something I never had, I have to have it first inorder to give secondly. I BELIEVED IN ME!



October 1, 2024 at 2:30 AM
by Mr. Reggie

Where do you put your faith? All too often when we go through trials and tribulations we run to God to fix it for us and or help us see it through depending on how we individually percieve the severity of the situation. GREAT! That is where we need to go however, God created us as humans to be used for His power to work through us for us. Of course, God does not need any of us to do anything inorder for Him to fulfill His perfect plan, yet He does use us. Now the question is, who do you go to and what human do you decide to trust? Mom, dad, bother, sister, boyfriend, therapist, pastor, teacher, etc. Support is the essential key and just because you have a title of mom, dad,etc. does not mean that they will always have your best interest at heart so it would be wise to have as many supports as possible that will empower you and rally you onward to be the best you that you can be. I am here to say that "I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT is here for you when no one else will be in that moment and throughout your journey. We are with you for life because after all, we are on a journey. We can work with you and whom you consider in your support circle, we can work with you independently without any of your considered supports, and we can work with you to build a family here with us because family is our mission, even when a family out there is not a family. God has given us different gifts to minister and my gift is to empower you with my Motivational Speaking, Life Coaching, and Support Services and I don't need a collar, robe or a Doctorial Degree for that, all I need is the GIFTS THAT GOD HAS GIVEN ME!

September 29, 2024 at 5:30 PM
by Mr.Reggie
He was a weak man. The sort who needed to crush a woman in order to feel powerful. -John Mark Green

Whoever out there have experienced abuse and or is currently experiencing it, I can relate with you and I am here for you. I myself have experienced sexual, physical, emotional, and mental abuse from family, strangers, and acquaintances as a child and as a teen. It is my mission to help as many as I can with support financially. I have set up a donation fund on my webpage by simply clicking the button on my donations page or my PAVE page to have the ability to distribute to those in need. All to often it is you, the abused whom are forgotten along in your journey to overcome and heal. Just because the abuse has stopped today, 10 years ago and so forth, the healing has not. To have some type of financial assistance at pivotal times in your healing can give you just that, time to heal. I can't help the world because I am human and only one person but if we ban together, we make up the world. In my advocacy, I will not be silient, I will not stop appealing to the general public for donations to help me in my fight and cause until my death. I not only will support you financially but mentally and emotionally if you need someone to talk to for inspiration and empowerment. THIS IS NO LONGER AN EVENT, IT IS A MOVEMENT!

September 24, 2024 at 9:00 AM

Hello world! I just want to take just a moment to express how important it is for us to lay down our personal divisions and find common ground to unite as one. Resentments, judgements, ill will towards others, and so many other things that we allow to get in our individual way in preventing ourselves from letting go and letting God. If I had my hands in man/woman, I probaly would not be here today to share this message so, I for one can easily say without a flinch, "Thank God there is a God and a Son named, Jesus Christ."

You may be wondering why I brought God into the picture of this message?? I will tell you why, because if it wasn't for Him and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I would not be saved by His grace and undeserved mercy to say the least. Can anyone else vocalize that out there? I can't here you? It is time for all of us to accept who is really in charge, not you and surely not me. We can go to Him to make peace, to find resolve, and forgiveness to let go. Hurt is real and pain is real but," God is LOVE" and" LOVE CONQUERS ALL!" You can't get to heaven if you want to fight me or eachother because If God put you and I here for a purpose then that purpose will not be completed until He says so and not man/woman. LET GO AND LET GOD!

September 20, 2024 at 4:00 PM
by Mr. Reggie
Heavens thrown room

Thank you for not loving me.

Thank you for not calling me family.

Thank you for letting me be the least of the least.

Thank you for holding on to my past.

Thank you for judging me.

Thank you for not letting me be a part of your family.

Thank you for not calling me a friend.

Thank you for rejecting me.

Thank you for not believing in me.

Thank you for talking about me.



September 20, 2024 at 3:30 PM
by Mr. Reggie

I am a very interactive person out and about offering my personal support without being noticed as to how I am out and about. I lead by example in giving of my time to those who are in need or just simply to give. You don't see what I give, do, or say from my own pocket, expense, and time. There is no horn sounding to say,


The only person knows is the individual who I helped in some form or fashion with my own time, finances, and resources. A gentlemen recently once asked me for a dollar, I reached in my wallet and gave him $20. A woman recently asked me to give her a ride to a short distance but needed to go about an hour away instead of 5 minutes away, I took her all the way, bought her lunch and gave her $60 out of my own pocket. I Did not ask for gas or anything but to simply listen to my words of Godly wisdom. A co worker needed rides to work and home, I gladly offered and not as an obligation until he purchased his own car for transport. This waitress in particular who waited on my table I gave $20 as a tip, not because I had to but because I understood how working and providing can be. I use to be a waiter before and any tip I recieved was good but to get a $20 tip from one customer and knowing I would recieve other tips was amazing to me. I can go on and on with my personal accounts of what I did/do that you don't even know about. The only person knows is the one who I chose to give to and it is not always financial because others have different needs along in their journeys. I am not rich, superstar, famous actor, and etc., I am just an ordinary person with a huge heart that cares and I want you to know that I can not only relate with you but, I am also here with you. People can always judge me for my past and let that cancel all the things that I choose to do today and that is their choice but mines is a simple one,


What is that, Mr. Reggie, you might ask?

TO LET GO AND LET GOD, THE GREAT, "I AM" (chapter 3 verse 13- 15)

September 16, 2024 at 2:30 PM
by Mr. Reggie
<strong>WHERE ARE YOU NOW!</strong>

Are you where you want to be? Are you who you need to be?

Guess what?

Life is a journey and we are always finding ways on how to be or become so the challenge is a daily striving towards some objective. There is nothing wrong with that because as a human being we are not perfect in our pursuits to evolve individually or collectively so that takes practice daily. Are you surrounded with the right soil to flourish and thrive? The key to becoming is being surrounded by the right individuals we call "supports." If you are not surrounded by individuals rather family or friends who are not helping to cultivate the"YOU," then you may want to consider the source of your soil. Only you know if that is true or not and we are here to help you consider other alternative sources of your your soil inorder not to survive but to thrive. I can personally relate to things that you may be encountering right now as we speak and for that matter, someone out there can also relate. Supports are there and if you need help to find one or some then you come to the right place. It is my mission to see you no matter who you are, where you are form, what you/others has defined you, and or what your past entails, THRIVE!

September 13, 2024 at 5:00 PM
by Mr. Reggie

That is a great question, and the reason why I am choosing to pose that is because it is my mission to help re-educate others on how we have perhaps got tossed into a limited view of what support is and or what it also can look like. If I speak, "Good Morning" to you, did I support you? If you are a co worker and I offered you a ride to work, did I support you? If I offered to help you with your groceries, did I support you? If I treated you like I wanted to be treated, did I support you? If I invited you to my house and we sat and chatted about whatever, did I support you?

I am here to tell you that the answer is," Yes" and "Yes."

Traditionally, we have been groomed to fit one size fits all into our narrow thought process. Support can be financial but not all encompassing. Support can be directly and indirectly from family or someone you may know or not know. Support can be assistance in some form of crisis. However, to save time on chatter today simply put, we support everyday for something, somebody or somehow rather family or not. I have given people rides in my own car, I have went out to pick someone up to talk to at 3:00 in the morning because his dad kicked him out of the house, I have said cordial things to people that not only did I know but also, felt someway on how they chose to treat me, and a myrid of things that I have chosen to do to support others and the community so is that qualified for support?

I am here to tell you that the answer is, "Yes" and "Yes!"

To acknowledge someone with a simple greeting is supporting their humanity ad wellbeing as a person. Does that make you feel good when someone acknowledges you? Well, you were just supported. That built up your self esteem to say the least about yourself because as a human, we all want to be accepted, loved, and acknowledged. I am happy to say that there is so many forms to express, LOVE! God is not a limited God and in my personal belief, He hates being confined because He has so much love for us that He gave us His son Jesus Christ. You may not see my acts of support per se and notice I did not say, "small acts of suuport."


When it comes to acts of kindness, there is no small acts because whatever need in that moment, it is not small at all to the person who needs it. One of the reasons why I decided to start this foundation is to help broaden a limited mindset when we serve a Mighty Great God who's name is,

"I AM!"

Exodus chapter 3 verse 13-15

September 11, 2024 at 7:30 AM
by Mr. Reggie

Do we continue to choose to go in the opposite direction of who we really are, what God has created us to do, and or stepping up and being the difference? I am the first to admit that fear has chosen to paralyze me at different points in my life from ever thinking about turning anything around. Peer pressure, being rejected, being punished, consequences, and being abused is some of the reasons why I just kept on going and going and going. Notice I stated, "fear has chosen to paralyze me."

No, No, No, Mr. Reggie! It was "I" that chose to paralyze myself due to the fears that I created and reinforced. Let us be clear, I am talking about the fear that says, "You can't do it," "That will not work," "You are a failure," "Once was, will always be." Do you see where I am getting at now? Those self defeating thoughts, labels or statements. So you are getting a Life Coach that has the same experiences and can humanly connect with you not from a book, college degree, movie, and or from a story. Realife and realtime experiences that does not seperate us but bridges us together because we are human first and foremost and lastly, we all feel one way or another. I chose to look my fears in the eye and decided to, TURN IT AROUND!

September 8, 2024 at 6:30 AM
by Mr. Reggie
Carlos Takam‘s Left

Stand up and finally take charge of your life!

Are you tired of being knocked down? Are you tired of living your life after or for someone else? Are you tired of being put down? Are you tired of being disappointed? Are you tired of being abused? Are you tired of, tired of, tired of?????????????

Take a swing and hit defeat in the eye!

Punch failure in the gut!

Kick worthless in the ass!


You are the very person who decides your own destiny, so let us help YOU define the "YOU," who "YOU," were created to be and by the way, God only creates masterpieces!

September 5, 2024 at 6:00 AM
by Mr. Reggie
Jump for Joy

What do I invest in Mr. Reggie? Why should I invest Mr. Reggie? What would be my returns or rewards Mr. Reggie?

These are some great questions so let me take a minute to elaborate. We can invest in so much and infact, rather you realize it or not, we invest in something every single moment of the day. Investing don't have to take money inorder to take stock into something. You can invest in your kids, you can invest your time into something regardless of what it is, you can even simply invest in yourself. Without going into so many words just to have a mutual understanding on what forms of investing we do on a daily basis, let's cut through the chase so I can share with you why we are here on this very topic. I started

"I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC. because It is my way to not only give back to the people in the world but also to be the difference in someone elses life like I wish I had had someone in mines as a child, teen, and an adult. Of course, God and Jesus is there and I am so grateful and it can be so life changing to have people believe in me rather mom, dad, friends, teacher, brother, sister, etc.


Of course, we need to believe in ourselves but keep in mind that God did not put us on this earth as one person to live, He put us on this earth to live and exist together as a whole, so that means God works through people to people for people inorder to fulfill His perfect plan. Don't let anyone fool you, we need people. You ultimately define who your people will be rather family, friends, husband, wife, etc. are the ones you choose to invest in consciously or unconsciously.

I am proud to say that you have now entered the NON JUDGEMENT ZONE. I believe in you and I want to invest in you and it does not matter if we are biologically connected as family or not, you are my family and I am here to serve you in ways that I wish I had had someone in my life to stop and say, "Reggie I believe in you and I want to invest in you because you are worthy." We all have the potential to be amazing because God created each of us perfectly. Therefore, the rewards are priceless!

August 31, 2024 at 9:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
Cash Money

I am proud to say that our company is here to help others out financially to members that have a membership with us because if we could help the world out financially, we would. However, we are only limited to assist those who are elgible members to make sure that someone out there has a helping hand in financial need. We have a membership program with 3 different types of program packages: a Junior, Sophomore, and Senior package inwhich you can subscrbe to monthly or yearly and qualify for elgible financial assistance through the


We want you to know that we are doing our due dilligence to be not only apart of the community but the world inwhich we all live in. I can first hand say that I can relate falling on hard times or simply needing assistance in a specific area so that you can focus on your other objectives knowing that this is one l,ess thing to worry about on your plate. Call 1-618-472-6669 to sign up inorder to begin to qualify. Keep in mind that opur objective is to suppo

August 29, 2024 at 4:00 PM
by Reggie Shanklin

I am here to let you know that I want to learn from you. I can relate with anyone who feels unimportant, unloved, unworthy, and other associated feelings fron not being validated by someone or others when trying to express yourself verbally. "You are too young to no any better", " You don't know what you are talking about", "I don't have enough time for that", "Deal with it", "I am busy", "Just do what I tell you", and the list of words that breathe ignorance to who you are as a person can go on and on. STOP!

STOP, right now what are you doing and know that I am here for you. Can I learn from you regardless of what age you are, what you are going through, and where you are from? The greatest piece that I want you to know in particular is that,


So let me have the privilage and honor of learning from you, getting to know you and of course, listening to you.


August 28, 2024 at 3:00 PM

You may be wondering why I chose this title for today?? Hold on to your seat and I will tell you why. For me personally at times I tend to second guess myself out of fear on certain decisions in my life that can lead me to some greatly desired success or perhaps not, but the end result would be for me eventually not pursuing what it is that I have set in my mind to do. People would tend to say things along the way, "Reggie you will not be anything,"Reggie you will not amount to much", "Reggie that is a bad idea", "Reggie this or Reggie that." I get it that I have made some ineffective choices in my life that ails me for the rest of my life. I get it that some people is never in the I forgive you mode so that I can move on with my life without shaming comments to say the least. I get it that I may never be like you or make choices like you have made. I get it that you want me to be off this earth right now and don't deserve anything good. I GET IT! What I don't get is that I can't choose to live my life centered around your opinions about me and or if you want me on this earth to continue existing with your personal feelings about me. Sorry that you feel that way, but I am truly not sorry for choosing to be the most effective person that I can be today despite my past or my ineffective decisions that I may make until I die!



August 26, 2024 at 11:00 AM

Have you ever been cancelled out or been told it is too late. Too late for what, you might ask Reggie? Change, a different career, a new lifestyle, get closer to God, a new attitude, to make a difference, and many other statements are made to deter you from moving forward. Rather it is your past that the world continues to throw in your FACE or simply, judge you for whatever reason, it is all shame based approaches. STOP, and think about it for a minute?????? Why would anyone want to shame you, me, or even themselves? Jesus says," I love you", " I forgive you," I accept you, and"I believe in you. People say, "I hate you", " I don't forgive you"," get away from me", and " once was, always will be". How does this help you, me , themselves or anyone for that fact. If it was not for a God "I AM" or my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I would of been long dead by the people or maybe by you however, I am not dead by the people or you and I am still around to tell my story. So as much as I may not be in popular demand or even considered a human being by you, "IT AIN'T OVER UNTIL GOD,THE GREAT" I AM " says so in my Lord and Savior Jesus name!

July 13, 2024 at 8:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
Portrait 4

Have you ever done something that you regret, rather it is to hurt someone or cause harm to yourself? No matter what choices we may make in life, it has a tendecy to impact someone even if they are not close to us personally. We may think that our decisions are so independent on us but we rarely realize that there is someone else who will suffer because of our choices in life, good or bad. Well for me, I have personally offended relatives, strangers, and acquaintances for years and I had to pay the cost, even today. I carried guilt and shame day after day for the wrong I have caused others that I thought life was no longer worth living. You could call me many names and did many things to me as a means to punish me but it did not take away the sting of the guilt and shame I chose to carry for my past wrongs to others and society as a whole. I had to go to God because the burden was to heavy for me to carry and even yet, how could I move forward as a peerson??????? God told me, that I could not change the past no matter how hard I wanted to and all I can or could do is move forward to make amends. That is what I am choosing to do today. Making amends, one step at a time and with one person at a time. YOU CAN'T JUDGE ME NO MORE CRITICAL THEN I JUDGE MYSELF!

July 12, 2024 at 11:00 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
Judge Harry Pregerson Interchange

I hate having to make a choice and it's a wrong choice. A choice to the wrong road with many twists and turns.

July 4, 2024 at 5:30 AM
by Reggie Shanklin

Have you ever had something and didn't? Have you never had the very thing you hoped for? You are still rich in spirit!

June 29, 2024 at 1:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
look through ice on lake

Have anyone out there ever felt or feel like your life can't sink no further than it already has? How about, knowing that you have no where to go or even a destination for the moment? I can truly relate with you because being at the bottom is not an easy feel or a good reality to face from day to day.What do we do and how do we make sense of this harsh reality? Homelessness is a reality. Having no food to eat is a reality. Having no support is a reality. Being alone is a reality. Being broke financially is a reality. The list of hard realities can go on and on however, do you have a breaking point whereas you say enough is enough. I know I do and I am very sure as a human being we all do, so the point becomes what do we do with the realities before us. For me, I use to see things from a narrow one way perspective and though that there was absolutely no other way. What I chose to do from there was nothing to glorify about to say the least. I started doing things that hurt other people in order to feel good about myself or to make others feel what I felt. I had a sad way of living and a ton of guilt and shame to bear from it. Today, I may be at my low on the bottom but by the grace of "I AM" in Jesus name, this bottom is not my destiny and in due time, I will rise! So bottom yes and if Jesus has risen from all that was hurled at him, I am no where close to him in any shape form or fashion but I too will rise. You might say, "how can you say that Mr. Reggie? BECAUSE I BELIEVE!

If this is you, a believer and a person who knows that that bottom is not your destiny, then we have plenty to talk about. It is about readjusting the course and I sure want to be the one to help you with that, so call me and let us rise together at 1-618-373-6707 or submit a contact form on my webpage at

June 23, 2024 at 10:00 AM
by Reggie Shanklin

We as humans have limitations on what we can do, how we can do it, and whom we choose to let in to help us, if we choose to let in anyone at all. You maybe saying to yourself that, "I don't need anyone, I got this or I can fix it on my own." "I must do this on my own because no one else understands." We want to be in control, we want to take matters in our own hands, we don't want anyone else to see us as weak, and we want to muster it alone. Limitations is something to understand and really come to the acceptance that it is not designed to go against you, it is a realization saying that, "hey I can use a little help over here!" Life is meant to be shared and everything if you think about it has a set of limitations rather human or not. I in particular don't see the sun fighting the moon over taking the night shift and in turn I don't see the moon fighting the sun over taking the morning shift. Do you? In my opinion, I just see them rightfully exist at there appointed arise time. You do get my point hopefully, regardless of my dry humor. Call to include us within your realization of your personal limitations and know that we want to help take the load off of your shoulders so you can enjoy more better qualities at life. I personally look forward to hearing from you!

June 20, 2024 at 12:00 AM


Right now my book is at online book stores ready to recieve and read. The available stores are; Walmart, Bertand, Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and Thriftbooks in paperback, hard cover, and ebook. It is a sure winner to ponder upon the divinely inspired wisdom quotes. I am also selling autographed copies along with an autographed photo of myself. I will autograph the inside front or back cover as to your specified preference. Call 1-618-472-6669 to order you a copy or a gift for someone else. I am with U.S, Bank that offer Zelle as a means of payment and I have cashapp $ReggieShanklin, which ever for your convience as a method of payment. Call now to get your copy underway to you or specify if you want it sent to another address as a surprised gift. Trust me, you will not be disappointed. Here is a wisdom quote from my book. "IF WE MOVE TOO FAST, WE MISS OUT. IF WE MOVE TOO SLOW, THE GAIN GETS LOST, AND IF WE MOVE RIGHTLY, THE WORLD IS OURS!"

June 16, 2024 at 9:30 AM

Hello world out there to my followers, friends, and family! One step at a time means just that, one step at a time. I had my first book published on Janurary 2, 2024 and who knows me? The title that I chose for my book was Inspirational Quotes and the author name I chose is a creative name, Redgeee Shhh. Well for one I love being creative and setting myself apart with my own unique identity so it is still pronounced Reggie but with a twist of spelling. Cool, huh? Anyway, can you imagine how many titled books are listed under Inspirational Quotes? Books that have been out before I was born and so on thereafter. However, my point is this, out of all those Inspirational Quotes books out there on the market by various people rather famously noted or not, it is a lot. How do I go up against a mass of people who have written these books and still say, "hey, world I am here with my book too!" My book is about words that I personally reflected on and do still today that has and still helps me pull through adverse moments in my life. Would this also be coined an adverse moment as to having a newly published book against so many other Inspirational Quote titles or Inspirational books in general? I would say so because I have chosen to go up against the odds of not knowing if I would succeed or fail. Here is some food for thought, did I actually fail? I was allowed to do my first book signing at Cricket wireless in Mount Vernon, Illinois and I am so grateful for that opportunity and for Cricket Wireless supporting me regardless if anyone showed up or not. Nevertheless, not one person showed up and I was there for 5 hours to at least sign one book but no one showed up. Hold up, wait one minute! Someone did show up and that person was me. So did I fail? The answer is no because what it is about is choosing to take it one step at a time even if the world does not show up, it is about believing in me and reflecting on my very own Inspirational Quotes to pull me through that day and everyday thereafter. Here is a Quote from my book; " The glory is not in the clouds or in the sunshine or in the earth,it is inside of you"

June 13, 2024 at 9:00 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
<strong>DON&#x27;T DO IT!</strong>

Have you ever felt like giving up ? I have too. Have you ever felt like running away? I have too. Have you ever felt like God does not care? I have too. Have you ever felt overwhelmed? I have too. Have you ever felt like you were all alone? I have too. Have you ever felt that nobody loves you ? I have too. Have you ever felt like nobody understands? I have too. Have you ever felt so judged that you wanted to give up on everything? I have too. Have you ever felt unheard? I have too. Have you ever felt like you can't make a difference? I have too. Have you ever felt depressed? I have too. Have you ever felt like just dying? I have too. Have you ever felt lifeless? I have too. Have you ever felt lost? I have too. So you see, we have alot of similarities that is common to every human being. What do we do or how do we make it. The greates answer is, "DON'T DO IT!" WHY? Because we can figure it out together. I need support just like you need support, come and join my services so we can be supporters for eachother. I am a person that can relate with what you are going through because I go through it too!

June 12, 2024 at 2:00 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
A simple message to dream with shimmery purple and pink glitter bokeh.

We all have some sort of a vision of how we want to be or how we would like to see how things become but yet, a lot of us fall way short of that and sadly, never fulfill our dreams at all. Life can be thriving or surviving. Life can be adventuresome or tiresome. Life can be fulfilling or a chore. Life can be basically however you chose, but why not choose to thrive and be the greatest you? Here at the"I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC., we are about thriving and blooming where you thought could not. Come visit us and dream your dream while we help plant the soil for you. Stars are born and dreams are made!

June 9, 2024 at 5:00 PM
Book of Love


June 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM
by Reggie shanklin
Jesus loves you

I was raised up in a family that was jagged to say, mildly. Yes I had a mom/dad present in the home but yet they were not mentally and emotionally present with me however, if I did something wrong then they were there to punish/abuse me. Yes, I had wished I had a different home and and a different set of parents, but the truth of the matter was, I had to deal with what God gave me. All to often, some of us have a mom/dad present in the house rather together or seperated and yet we sitll come up short on mental and emotional support for various reasons. So it has been my quest to embrace as many people as I can as family because in my personal journey I have come to realize that a family is not what you have, it is what and how you make it. Anyone can have a label of mom/dad or carry the title thereof, but that is just that, a title/label. If you want family, here I am. If you want an extended family, I am here. If you are family, then I am there because I have always dreamed of having a huge family. We can start right here and right now together at "I AM FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC.

June 6, 2024 at 9:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
<strong>REALIZE YOUR POTENTIAL!</strong>

Sometimes you don't know what you can do, where your potential lies, and or what is that inner passion that can drive you to your own individual success. I am here to tell you that, it is not all uncommon to not know what your hidden talent/talents are. We as a society can mold others to fit into our own set of expectations rather it be our child/kids or simply, someone we have the power of influencing. What happens with that logic is we then put someone else into a mold of how we want them to be and not allowing them to blossom into their own creative uniqueness. To me, what makes the difference is allowing someone to spread their own wings inorder for them to become the greatest them and not the greatest, "YOU." At "I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC., we are here to bring out and cultivate the greatest in you as an individual because when the smoke clears the air, what will remain standing is, "YOU." Contact us for an evaluation to help you tap into that you so you can live out your passions and not someone else's expectations.

June 3, 2024 at 8:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
Life on the Edge

Sorry to burst your bubble if you are a teen because unfortunately, teens do not rule the world. I get it though, where you are coming from due to me once being a teeager with so many "ME" visions that was me centered. Notice I said, "ME" centered. We all have innner passions, drives, visions, and ideas but yet needs full expresion or better yet cultivation. We start from a seed, then roots, then stems and so forth. However, none of this can be cultivated if it does not have the right mixture of soil to rise up to the fullest of potential. This is what we do and what we are about in cultivation so that the "ME" spirit can emerge into a community or team spirit. Sometimes parents don't understand, friends, and etc. However, we want you to know that we are listening and we can be the soil to help you start your cultivation with the inclusion of your family because after all, we are not about creating a division but uniting a more solid front for all of us to be your greatest fans. Sometimes our voices can be more solidified through our supports. Contact us for more info. and or sign up now on the contact form for services so we can get you going. After all, we are about family!

June 1, 2024 at 4:00 PM
by Reggie Shanklin

Sometimes things happen to us in life that just don't add up or make sense. Once it has happened then we often say, "why?" To summerize without giving you a lot of words, it becomes a choice of how we choose to percieve it and how we choose to deal with it. I have chosen to share my wisdom quotes with you that has helped me on my journey to pull through and I wanted to share it with you as well. That is a small testimony of the answer to a "why," for me. Without my personal struggles then I could not have shared with you some inspired wisdom. These quotes are not just random words that I put together to sound logical or anything, these are divenly inspired words that will make you ponder on it in oder to gain an insightful perspective. My book is titled, "Inspirational Quotes" by Redgeee Shhh which is my creative name since I love creativity. It is on sale on line only at Walmart, Thrift books, Barnes and Nobles, Bertrand, and Amazon. Let not the "WHY," choose to defeat you, let the "BECAUSE," be your motivation to inspire others! It is your time to shine too.

June 1, 2024 at 3:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
Slow Mornings

Have you done drugs or in the midst of a drug addiction or any type of addiction for that matter? You are not alone because in my past I had used drugs for various reasons to cope and it was my way of fitting in or managing how I experienced a situation. I was sexually assaulted, physically , mentally, emotionally and verbally abused. I was abandoned, as well as suffered other things by family, strangers, and acquaintances. How do I make sense of these personal sufferings that happened as a kid and a teen? Is life meant to be experienced this way? Is that who I am, an object rather than a person? Who do I tell? Who do I talk to? What should I do? You know what, maybe I will just accept everything and just take it out on myself, after all who else cares. Drugs is a form of escape from something inner based upon a live experience that has happened and we eventually find behaviors to mask or cope with the realities of what happened. Like drugs or any behaviors can become an addiction if we choose to repeat that cycle of thought patterns. You are not alone in your fight? You are not alone in your struggle? You are not alone in your recovery, you are not alone on the jouney? You are not alone, only if you choose too! Give us a call and a try at "I AM"FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC.

May 27, 2024 at 4:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin

We tend to think at times that our super heros are fictional characters such as Superman, Spiderman, and etc. However, I am here to say that I beg to diiffer because as the quote from my book titled," Inspirational Quotes" by my creative author name, Redgeee shhh states. "HEROES ARE NOT MADE, THEY ARE BORN"----------------------------------------- Now stop for a minute and think about that??? THEY ARE BORN! No matter what age you are, you are undoubtedly a hero. From a grandmother carrying a bike in one hand, her grand daughter in the other hand, and other various day to day tasks truly qualifies as a Super hero status in my book and most importantly, let us not leave out the grand daughter in her right hand, she is a hero too. "HEROES ARE NOT MADE, THEY ARE BORN!" When you sign up and join "I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC., you are not only family but you are our Hero too!

May 24, 2024 at 10:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
<strong>WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?</strong>

Sometimes I feel like giving up. Sometimes I feel like taking the easy way out. Sometimes I feel like balling up and just cry. Sometimes I want to say, "you win." Sometimes I just want to sit and pretnd. Sometimes I want to just runaway somewhere. Sometimes I want to continue to do things that makes me feel comfortable. Sometimes I just want to take the easy way out. Sometimes I want to get mad at God. Sometimes I want to do things that I know I will regret in the end. That sometimes I feel or think this way is now. Have I created a company that is just that, labeled a company? No matter what the devil throws my way. No matter what the devil tells you to do to me. No matter how the devil influences others to stack up against me, one thing will stand out for sure and that is "I AM!" Now you go and do the math and make sure you take the devil with you.

May 23, 2024 at 9:00 PM
by Reggie Shanklin

I know, I know it seems like things are not moving forward. I can relate when it feels like you are just here. I can understand how it may appear that all hope is lost. Where is God? Where is family? Where is anyone who cares? Should I start doing things that becomes impulsive acts that will take me further into my despair or waddle in my own self pity. "HELL NO!" I have come too far then to give that devil the chance to say, he won.

May 21, 2024 at 11:00 PM
by Reggie Shanklin

It is amazing at how things change with time. This is the grade school that I went to in East Saint louis, Illinois, nothing remains there but a plot of land now. I grew up with a heart full of aspiration to help the world. A child full of vision and heavenly hopes. As the years passed I drifted, sorry to say into alot of distorted views and faulty belief systems to say it mildly. Did my heart full of aspiration to help the world go out of the window? Did my child visions and heavenly hopes vanish away? "I THINK NOT!" WHY? Because as long as the Great "I AM" gives me the breath to breathe, His will shall be done no matter who you are or what you may think or feel about me. Even more greater, how I think and feel about myself!

May 20, 2024 at 7:00 AM
by Reggie Shanklin

Some people like to judge a book by the cover without examining the contents. Some people like to throw stones when they themselves are stones. Some people like to hover your past over your head. Some people like to condemn you even if you make a mistake that does not live up to their expectations. Some people like to appear to be self righteous in their own eyes and others to whom they are trying to convince. Some people don't want you to prosper no matter how much you have changed. Guess what world? I did it and I am against all the odds. If Jesus was crucified and He did nothing, but yet I have done a many of things and I get those some people, why should I expect anything less. I stand not alone, I stand with the great, "I AM" (Exodus ch. 3 v. 14)

May 17, 2024 at 10:00 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
Boy holding a bundle of pencils and a notebook

I am for one a believer in not forgetting where I come from and extending an olive branch to the one before me. Why pay it forward? I have personally experienced various hardships in my life from my personal doing and some outside of my control. Once I came to a radical acceptance approach and I mean in the entire sense of acceptance, I realized that what happened can't be erased, it happened! I hope that that don't come off condensending or minimizing to the offense or specified behavior as to me saying that I am condoning it. No matter what has happened to you or me and what we did to others, it is done! However, we can heal, grow, and accept the truth that we can take what we learned and prevent others by sharing our personal stories. Guess what? They in turn tell others their personal stories and the cycle of prevention begins. Will others listen? Will others acccept? Will others judge the messenger as opposed to listening to the message? Will others forever hold on to the past of your/my past for that matter? All of these are great questions to ponder and personally ask ourselves however, it just don't change the truth that it happened! Now what can we do in moving forward? I vowed to myself that it is my mission to give to others my personal testimony even if I am judged in doing so. I can't erase my past, but I can damn sure help others not make the same choices that I chose to make!

May 14, 2024 at 6:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin

If you are a parent or parents of a teen/teens and need help in cultivating their unique talents while building a source of empowerment within them, you have come to the right place. All too often dreams get lost and hopes becomes a thing of the past as we begin to settle for the, "American Dream." That is the day to day routine of making it from one day to the next, minus the passion to belong. Some of our youth tend to focus on teen age things that is not consistent with the skills and talents that they were given in a natural sense, so we want to help you with our mentorship program remotely or in person. We want to help take one thing off of your plate as a parent/parents to worry about inorder to give your child a better quality at fulfilling life. That is why we like to call this everyday that we live, Parents Day! "I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC., applaud all of the parents and parent out there throughout the world for the tireless sacrifices you are giving your child. Call us for a consultation so we can talk about the best plan of action that can be tailored for them. Dreams don't have to take years to fulfill and a hope can start to build right now. Remember when you were a teen with a vision and a heart full of passion?

May 13, 2024 at 10:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin

I love to meet and learn from others regardless how old you are or who you are. Let me give you a word of wisdom from the titled book by Redgeee shhh. "If we stand up with one accord, the mountain is moved, and if I stand up with one voice, the mountain is me." At the "I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC., we believe in you because God created us to LOVE. I was blessed to have met this wonderfully amazing woman and I like to call her, "GRANDMA DYNAMITE!"

May 12, 2024 at 1:30 AM
by Reggie Shanklin
<strong>HOW CAN I GET TO KNOW YOU!</strong>

We think we are known by our outward appearance. We think we are known by who we associate ourselves with. We think we are known by who our family is, where we are from, what school we go to, and many other desciptors. However, those are not who we are and it can leave the world with mere assumptions about what we think, who you are. Is that fair to you? Is that fair to anyone? Getting to know you is not being judged by how others may see you for whatever reason. So how can I and anyone get to know the, you? It takes you to do the speaking and it takes us to do the listening and at the "I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT, that is what we do. We don't want to miss out on the great opportunity to know you for you and not these judgements about you based on what we think or what we want to see. Lastly, a behavior don't define you either, "YOU define YOU!" Welcome to the non-judgemental zone, it is a pleasure to meet you.

scrabble, scrabble pieces, lettering, letters, wood, scrabble tiles, white background, words, quote, letters, type, typography, design, layout, in lifting others we rise, help people, teamwork, team, share, community, fellowship, love, good samaritan,
May 10, 2024 at 10:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin

I use to think that my situations were unique and that I was the only person in the world who experienced things like I did and do. Some of my thoughts were; " Nobody understands me," "Nobody cares," "Nobody else is going through this but me," " Nobody, Nobody, Nobody!" What I came to realize is, there is a uniqueness in this and it is not the situation, problem or experience, it is me. Ofcourse, we all are unique but our situations, problems, and experiences are not. I did not realize that there was and is someone going through what I am or was until I opened up and shared. It does not matter what age you are because rather 12 or 57, someone can relate. We have group sessions and one-on-one, so the bottom line is there is someone who can share with you what you are going through. Give us a chance and better yet, give yourself a chance. Call us now and let not a moment delay!

May 9, 2024 at 11:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin

I can understand and I can truly relate so, it is my promise to make sure that we are here for you. I have personally experienced and witnessed others fall into a variety of hardships in my life that entailed being abused to abusing others and all too often we get locked into various cycles of expressions. If I can break a cycle, you can too! If I can go seek help, you can too! If I can turn it around, you can too! If I can rise up from everything and yet look you in the eyes and say," I have arrived," then you surely can too! Unfortunately, we can not change our past no matter how much we may fight it, it is there. Struggling with the shame of it can be a cycle all by itself however, there is hope! God can help us transform our lives based upon our past to be the difference today, so as long as God gives us the breath to breathe another day, it is never to late to change. Shame is one thing, but hope is another, so you can choose your shame, but today I will choose my hope and I am here for you because I am the difference!

May 9, 2024 at 10:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
I met Michael in a Boston subway station. I told him I liked his sign. “What matters is what it means to you,” he told me. I asked what it meant to him. “Doing a deed or expressing kindness to another person without expecting anything in return,” Michael said. I love approaching strangers wherever I go. Listening and talking to them teaches you about people and how similar we all are to one another. Just like Michael, we’re all seeking human kindness.

I must be out of my mind! Who in this world understands me? What do I do? I am nothing! Where do I go? I am all alone to deal with this, so who is going to listen to me? I feel overwhelmed, confused, powerless, inadequate, afraid, hopeless, and feelings that I don't understand. There is no other way to put this but to say, HELP! That does not mean that you are less than a person by asking for support or assistance, infact it makes you human. We can easily fall into these faulty belief systems that," I can do it alone,"or, "Keep things to ourselves so you or I don't appear to be weak." So many other faulty beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, and views that once ensnared can lock us into a cycle of addidictive expressions. You don't have to be that person and you can break the cycle right now here today. Speaking, is what You do and Helping is who we are. "I AM FOUNDATION REACH OUT" creates a non-judgemental zone for you to come and share whatever ails you and know that it is my promise that you will feel belonged and accepted. No matter who you are, what is your past, where you are from, what you did today, and what you will do in the tomorrow, we are here.

May 6, 2024 at 12:30 AM
by Reggie Shanklin

You think that we may not have anything in common. You may think that your life experiences or situations are unique. You may think that we do not have anything to share. You may think that we have to be biologically connected to understand. You may think that your personal judgements about me limits my connections to what you are going through. You may think that we have a generation gap in order to relate. You may think that we are different. You may think that all these things are true but here is one truth, love is unconditional. Let me give you a wisdom quote from the the book of Inspirational Quotes by Redgeee Shhh, "Trust is the bridge and faith is the way in which we travel upon the bridge, and love is the way to get to our destination from one end to the next."

May 1, 2024 at 11:00 PM
by Reggie shanklin
The wall at the café where I live in Tel Aviv

If you don't know what makes sense or not, we can help. Situations and events can leave you speechless and downright confused on which direction you need to take. It can be a relationship gone bad, it can be an experience that you are unfamiliar with, and or it can be simply needing an extra confirmation on something you maybe second guessing. Whatever the dilemma is and whatever age you are, we are here to set the tone for you. It is not our position to take you away from your own inner empowerment from whatever you might be experiencing however, we can and will be right there to catch you if you fall. What is going on with me? Where am I at with this? What are my options? What makes sense to me? What is my plan of action? How can "I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC. help me make it work? Just a series of questions you may ask yourself and if not, we are here to generate them for you so you can receive the victory for your thoughts and your choices. We want you to win, we want you to succeed, and we want to be one of your greatest fans. We have an advice corner where you can call in to chat to see where it leads at 1-618-204-3641. because either way, we are here to catch you!

by Reggie Shanklin
The most powerful word in the world pops up everywhere. Ironically, this is on Sandown Pier on the Isle of Wight (UK) — a place that has not changed for 30 years.

Life can be downright stressful. Relationships can take a variety of twists and turns. Situations can become overwhelming. Everyday issues can seem so out of sorts. Give us a call for a consultation at our quick advice corner. Guess what? We all go through a variety of unexpected turns in life so let us talk about it together.

April 27, 2024 at 11:00 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
Getting ready for a portrait shoot in my living room I snapped this photo within a photo.

I may not be known by you. I may not be very popular to you. I may not be included by you. I may not belong to you. I may not be a friend to you. I may always be judged by you. I may never do anything to please you. I may not be you. I may never erase my past or wrongs with you. I may not be family to you. I may not be heard by you. What do "YOU" and "I" have in common? Maybe nothing, but I am here to tell YOU, "I DO EXIST!"

April 26, 2024 at 1:00 AM
by Reggie Shanklin

Do you have a son, brother, nephew, cousin, or simply know of someone out there who can benefit from our support services, give us a call. Some of our young men and males in general have locked into a cycle of sexual offending. You may have seen it or wondered why certain behaviors are existing with your loved one, don't turn a blind eye because the worst that you can do as a parent, guardian, or even a friend, is do nothing and pretend like nothing happened. We are here to help before your loved one get caught up in the vicious cycle of detention centers, county jails, prisons, and facilities that are designed to lock them up for the rest of their lives. Nothing is too late and everything can change. You can call us for a consultation and an assessment at 1-618-373-6707. There is no shame, judgement, and you will receive privacy and respect because we understand how difficult this process is going to be in getting started and or moving forward. We provide one-on-one, and group support remotely and in person, so what ever the age might be, we are here for a consultation. Every day is precious and you can not give lost time back, act now!

April 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM
A wooden gavel on a white marble backdrop.

Who out there loves to be judged by family, friends, peers, groups, people, and others out there? Judged by who you hang around with, what you said, what you did in your past, what you do right now, what your personal preferences are, where you are going, and so many other things??? IT SUCKS! That is putting it mildly because it truly hurts when those who you thought would support you, don't. We are human beings going through our very own processes and love is unconditional, not personal conditions. We are here for you at "I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC., because we know how it feels. Call for a consultation to see for yourself at 1-618-373-6707. Support comes with no strings attached and we have remote, one-on-one or group support for you right where you stand. It is our pledge to give you that unconditionally, infact it is my promise. Contact our web page to set up a consultation at We accept you, respect you, welcome you, and can relate with you.

April 20, 2024 at 7:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin
scrabble, scrabble pieces, lettering, letters, wood, scrabble tiles, white background, words, quote, letters, type, typography, design, layout, focus, bokeh, blur, photography, images, image, listen, learn, love, listen learn love, counselling, counseling, counselor, counsellor, therapy, help, depression, trouble,

I don't know about you but there are times like I feel like that I am not only alone, but also like I am just existing. What do I do? Who do I talk to? Where do I or can I go? Who will listen? WHO WILL CARE???? If this is you, then I can truly relate with those moments. As I continue to grow, I am not at the place I want to be at or fully completed my life objectives so I want you to know that support is essential to have and that someone you can lean on to bounce ideas off of. What even hurts the most is the person that you thought would listen, don't. I will because you do matter. I may not have all the answers however, you can truly bet that I am here to listen. Give me a call!

April 19, 2024 at 5:30 AM
An example of gender non-conformity. Bink, drag kid persona.

Sometimes we are afraid or even ashamed to say, "Hey, I need help!" The strength lies in the courage to speak up and speak out. Parents and guardians, if you have a teen in need of some support in an interactive way while having fun in learning and growing, call us for a consultation at 1-618-373-6707.

April 18, 2024 at 2:00 AM
by Reggie Shanklin

We can't let those down that have experienced heart felt realities. You and I have a responsibility to reach out to those to extend a hand on a journey that can take them on many of twists turns of just trying to cope with what has happened to them. Being bullied, being sexually abused, being taken advantage of, being ostracized because of a sexual preference, being avoided because of, BEING! My point is the list is endless from so many various abuses and we at the "I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC., want to make the difference and be the difference. Whatever your tragedy is, we can relate. I have personally been sexually, mentally,physically, and emotionally abused within my life so you are not alone in this fight. Book a consultation so we can get started on developing a plan for you

April 13, 2024 at 12:00 AM
by Reggie Shanklin

When we think of interacting with someone else new in a one-on-one or group session our fears can come into perspective and prevent us from wanting to be apart. I truly can relate with that experience because it is not easy to just open up to someone you do not know and it also can be difficult to open up to someone we may know, espically family. Our interactions take the sting out of such fears because our interactive approach is to create an enviroment that helps cultivate your particular interests that will ensure a level of comfortability with out trying to conform you to those physchological or psychiatric treatments. Our services are here to foster creativity from "YOU", within "YOU!"

April 7, 2024 at 11:30 PM
by Reggie Shanklin

We provide one-on-one, group support, and organization motivational speaking that is not dull or boring. We believe in an engaging and a fun interactive experience. We create various plans remotely and in person where you can interact with others in your enviroment or outside of your enviroment to develop a relationship with others on an interpersonal level while gaining personal insight to overcome lifes challenges.

March 31, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Support can have many different definitions but question yourself to see if you are really supported or not? You can have a family and friends around you daily and yet not feel or be suppoted. Living up to others expectations of you is not support, it is just that, their expectations of you.

by "I AM"
Reach Out
March 28, 2024 at 1:00 PM
by Reggie Shanklin

We all at times tend to loose sight of the peson whom has been victimized with a detachment of empty words of "I am sorry" while we yet re-victimize those who need us most or thinking that they could have counted or count on us for support. There are financial strains that come with the extra weight of being abused that alot can't afford. (Example) A mom has been abused by the dad of their child/children and yet they live in the same household with the dependency on him for financial assistance to take care of herself and her child/children. Of course we can say, go to a shelter, go to a relatives house, go to a friend, or simply some other place of safe shelter for herself and her child/children. Now, what about the daily costs of relocation, food, clothing, etc. because the fact is, those other temporary sources are just that, temporary. If she is employed, will the employer allow her amples amount of time for her to relocate herself and her chid/children or will they consider her a liability because business first is the todays "motto" and personal matters or just that, personal. The walk becomes a journey that will take everyday steps with a variety of twists and turns that this mom and her kid/kids will endure. "I am sorry for what you are going through today." What about her tomorrows or next weeks and better yet, what about her child/children tomorrows or next weeks? Are "YOU" willing to be there for them even after the, "Iam sorry for what you are going through?" I can give you many moe examples about the stories of those whom have been and or being victimized however, this is one of my personal experiences of what happened to me in my household as a child. My dad physically, mentally, and emotionally, abused my mom, brother, and I. My mom became trapped into this vicious cycle of my dads abuse and even greater, we as her kids.

April 9, 2024 at 11:00 AM
by "I AM"
Reach Out
Join RGT Youth on instagram for our weekly (now online) services! (mostly) Every Friday at 8pm.

We want you to know that a journey will entail support to get through and no matter what, we got you. At the "I AM" FOUNDATION REACH OUT LLC., we know that we can't take the experience away for you but we will place ourselves in your shoes and empathize with you in your situation because we know what alone feels like.

We are happy to let you know that we have a membership program going on inwhich we are providing financial assistance to our qualified members. There are 3 different types of program membership, our Sophomore, Junior, and Senior package. If you don't want to commit to our services, you can still become an active qualified monthly member. To be eligible for needed financial assistance Call 1-618-472-6669 for more info. Monday-Friday 8 am- 6 pm or simply leave your email address and we wil be in touch.